Update - Umoja Community - Office Closure

Dear Umoja Community,

Health officials in Sacramento and surrounding counties have issued unprecedented “stay at home” or “shelter in place” directives. These mandates impact our ability to maintain our in-person central office operations.

We continue to make critical decisions about our operations and aim to ensure the health and safety of our staff. Effective Thursday, March 19, 2020, our offices will be closed until further notice. We will monitor daily news and keep our community updated as information becomes available.

Although we will be closed, we are still committed to offering stellar service to our coordinators and partners. You can call 916-661-6455 or e-mail info@umojacommunity.org. We will respond to your inquiries and needs as quickly as possible.

Please continue to be safe and take note of the resources below to take all necessary health precautions:

  • California Department of Public Health [Link]
  • California Community College Chancellor’s Office Facts and Resources [Link]
  • Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Information [Link]
  • CDC Workplace, School and Home Guidance Information [Link]
  • Current Shelter in Place Order - Bay Area [Link]


In Service,

Nzingha Sonya Dugas, Executive Director

Publish Date: 
Thursday, March 19, 2020

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